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Customer Success Manager - 6-months internship (remote)

  • Paris, Île-de-France, France
€1,000 - €1,000 per monthCustomer Success

Job description

Livestorm’s CSM team is a group of dynamic and client-driven professionals who play a key role in the onboarding and retention of Livestorm’s Enterprise accounts.

As we continue to establish ourselves as a market leader in the video communication market and building long term partnerships with our clients, we are looking to expand our team.

You will support our CSMs and closely collaborate with all our teams (Marketing, Sales, Customer Care, Product and Finance) to drive maximum value and success with existing customers.

In this role, you will:

  • Support our CSM team
  • Help improve our processes and select the right tools to help the team improve its global efficiency.
  • Be a trusted partner for clients
  • Be in charge of customer onboarding
  • Manage our weekly Livestorm Client walk-in sessions
  • Manage day-to-day queries coming from these accounts
  • Partner with the Sales and Customer Care teams to ensure an exceptional customer experience
  • Partner with the Product team to provide detailed and actionable feedback to the team
  • Work with Account Managers to manage your customer portfolio, understand their KPIs and challenges
  • Work with the department head to execute and improve the success strategy

L'équipe CSM de Livestorm est un groupe de professionnels dynamiques et orientés clients. Ils jouent un rôle clé dans l'intégration et la fidélisation des comptes Entreprise de Livestorm.
Alors que nous continuons à nous imposer en tant que leader sur le marché de l'engagement vidéo, et à construire des partenariats de long terme avec nos clients, nous cherchons à élargir notre équipe. Nous recherchons notre futur Stormie, soucieux de la réussite clients, qui sera en charge de l'intégration, de la fidélisation et du développement de notre portefeuille de clients. L'équipe travaille en étroite collaboration avec les Account Managers pour favoriser l'adoption, l'engagement des utilisateurs et la croissance desdits comptes.

Dans ce rôle, vous serez en charge de :
- Soutenir notre équipe CSM en gérant nos clients de niveau 1 (comptes Entreprise)
- Contribuer à l'amélioration de nos processus et sélectionner les bons outils afin d'aider l'équipe à être toujours plus efficace
- Être le point de contact et le partenaire de confiance de nos clients
- Être en charge de l'intégration des clients
- Gérer nos sessions hebdomadaires avec les clients Livestorm
- Gérer les questions quotidiennes provenant de ces comptes
- Collaborer avec les équipes de vente et service clients pour offrir une expérience client exceptionnelle
- Travailler en partenariat avec l'équipe produit pour partager des retours d'informations terrain détaillées et concrètes
- Travailler en collaboration avec les Account Managers pour gérer votre portefeuille de clients, comprendre leurs objectifs et défis
- Les soutenir pour les renouvellements de contrats
- Travailler avec notre directrice du département pour exécuter et améliorer la stratégie de l'équipe.

Job requirements

At Livestorm, we believe that diversity's got talent! We are committed to building an inclusive company culture in which a diverse mix of talented people will feel proud to join and engage. Our goal is to ensure that every Stormie feels valued and has the opportunity to thrive. Ready to apply? We are ready to meet you! All applicants will be considered for employment without regard to sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, color, religion, national origin, disability, protected veteran status, age or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.

For this Customer Success Intern role, we are looking for someone with the following experience:

  • Ongoing Bachelor or Master’s degree
  • Ability to provide an internship agreement from your school
  • Bilingual French & English,
  • Interested in software, tools, and processes,
  • Willing to get your hands dirty and dig into the details
  • Willing to carry multiple hats
  • Excellent organizational and communication skills
  • Experience with a technical product or with webinars is a big plus
  • Excellent communication and problem-solving skills
  • Flexible and agile in adapting to quick changes in a startup environment
  • The ability to work individually and collaborate within a team environment to achieve set goals: you are a team player
  • Your key assets: Self-motivation, Strong work ethic, and Ownership

Confidence can sometimes hold us back from applying for a job. But we'll let you in on a secret: there's no such thing as a 'perfect' candidate. So however you identify, and whatever background you bring with you, please apply if this role would excite you to come to work every day.

Chez Livestorm, nous nous engageons à construire une culture d'entreprise inclusive où une diversité de personnes talentueuses se sentira fière de rejoindre et de s'impliquer. Notre objectif est de faire en sorte que chaque Stormie se sente valorisé et ait l'opportunité de s'épanouir. Prêt à postuler ? Nous sommes prêts à vous rencontrer ! Tous les candidats seront considérés pour un emploi sans distinction de sexe, identité de genre, orientation sexuelle, race, couleur, religion, origine nationale, handicap, statut de vétéran protégé, âge ou toute autre caractéristique protégée par la loi applicable.

Pour ce poste de stagiaire Customer Success, nous recherchons une personne ayant l'expérience suivante :

  • Actuellement en licence ou en master
  • Capacité à fournir une convention de stage de votre école
  • Bilingue français et anglais
  • Intérêt pour les logiciels, outils et processus
  • Prêt à s'investir
  • Excellentes compétences organisationnelles
  • Une expérience avec un produit technique ou avec les webinaires est un atout majeur
  • Excellentes compétences en communication et en résolution de problèmes
  • Flexible et agile pour s'adapter rapidement aux changements dans un environnement de startup
  • Capacité à travailler individuellement et à collaborer au sein d'une équipe pour atteindre des objectifs fixés : vous aimez le travail en équipe
  • Vos principaux atouts : Motivation personnelle, Forte éthique de travail et sens des responsabilités

    La confiance en soi peut parfois nous empêcher de postuler à un emploi. Mais nous allons vous révéler un secret : il n'existe pas de candidat "parfait". Donc, quelle que soit votre identité et le parcours que vous apportez avec vous, n'hésitez pas à postuler si ce rôle vous enthousiasme à l'idée de venir travailler chaque jour.


Join the Future of Video Engagement

We are looking for great talents to join our fast growing team

About Livestorm

Founded in 2016, Livestorm allows companies to organize powerful online meetings, webinars and virtual events from end-to-end. Our web-browser platform provides teams with all the workflows around video engagement to promote, host and analyze online events.

Livestorm is built with ease of use in mind. We serve companies of all sizes, from startups to Fortune 500s. Brand like Shopify, Honda, Spendesk, Front and Revolut trust Livestorm for premium video engagement during their online events.

Here are our core values:

  • Stay curious: Be interested in the world around you.

  • Remain humble: Keep learning and keep your ego in check.

  • Be resourceful: Go that extra mile in the most efficient way.

  • Own it: Take pride in what we do, own your wins, and fails.

  • Be transparent: Sharing knowledge, learnings, feedback, and mistakes.

About Livestorm


Livestorm finally makes it possible to bring people together virtually worldwide as if they were in the same room. Every business trip that is no longer necessary thanks to Livestorm contributes to making the world a little more sustainable

Diversity and inclusion:

At Livestorm, we believe that diversity's got talent! We are committed to building an inclusive company culture in which a diverse mix of talented people will feel proud to join and engage.

Our goal is to ensure that every Stormie feels valued and has the opportunity to thrive.

All applicants will be considered for employment without regard to sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, color, religion, national origin, disability, protected veteran status, age or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.

What it is like to join Livestorm and the Stormies

  • 100% remote with a work-from-anywhere policy

  • Offsite once a year

  • Teambuildings twice a year

  • Afterworks and online events once a month

  • Coworking space: The coworking space is covered up to €350 or $350 including VAT per month

  • Take care of yourself (with

  • Paid day off for your birthday

  • Days off donation policy to support each other in case of difficult times

  • Learning & Development program: You have access to learning classes on Udemy for Business. You have a budget of €750 or $750 per year for learning & development that can be used for training, conferences, books…

  • Additional equipment: After the validation of your first 6 months, you can benefit from €1,000 or $1,000 to equip yourself for remote work.

For French contracts

Health insurance with Alan (covered at 50%): - Fourmi formula, possibility of additional options. - Can cover your family (spouse, children) at 50% too. - Foresight is also with Alan.

Lunch vouchers with Swile (covered at 50%).

CSE with cultural & sports activities via Leeto.

Sustainable mobility package for daily trips to go to work: - You can benefit from €500 per year if you go to the office or a coworking space. - Please note that it’s for the use of a personal bicycle or shared mobility services.

For US contracts

Health Plan: - This depends on your State. You will have access to the Platinum plan of United Healthcare or Guardian. (This includes Medical, Dental & Vision insurance + Life insurance) - Livestorm covers 97% of employee fee and 67% for dependents.

Life insurance: $50K worth of life insurance.

401K: 5% employee + 2% company match after 6 months tenure.

Parental leave: 16 weeks for the first parent, and 5 weeks for the second parent.

PTO: 25 days of paid time-off per year.

Compensatory days off: 3 to 4 days depending on your State.

For the rest of the world

Having an EOR contract means you have a local employer and that you contribute to your local unemployment & retirement funds.

You benefit from all the legal and mandatory rules and benefits from your work contract country.

You benefit from at least 25 PTO a year.

You benefit from the bank holidays from your work contract country (depending on your region or even city).

You also benefit from 1 to 7 compensatory days off (depending on your country).

You will benefit from an exceptional incentive per month added on your salary proposition to align for benefits you don’t have (depending on your country).

Gilles Bertaux, CEO

Gilles is CEO and co-founder of Livestorm, where he shapes the future of end-to-end video engagement. As a first-time entrepreneur, Gilles co-founded Livestorm in 2016 along with Robin, Tom, and Vincent. The company quickly gained traction in Europe and North America and has nowadays over one million participants each month on its platform. In 2020, Gilles raised $30M in series B to accelerate Livestorm’s presence in Europe and the US, as well as to scale its go to market strategies towards mid-market and Enterprise.